Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Google Talk

Uma experiência interessante, um tipo de máquina cut-up: "Utilize o experimental Google Talk entrando com três ou quatro palavras no campo indicado. O sistema procurará a sentença exata no Google, pegará a próxima palavra do primeiro resultado encontrado e imprimirá na tela. Então removerá a primeira palavra da frase, adicionará a palavra encontrada e repetirá a busca novamente". Quanto entrei com estes termos: burroughs cutup technique, o resultado foi: "Burroughs cutup technique and computer software to be installed in the root directory. Is the directory where you want me to be a good role model - for your - wireless network? With Windows XP. SP2 RC1 how did you get that lonely and depressed people are more likely to be left to the market? For lemons: Quality uncertainty and THE Brain: show the same data set in the Middle East, www. spme. net cgi-bin wiki. pl k k k- Katy k walker. Html k did k contain fictitious discussion? Or a replatting of the property, tax division is responsible for the content of the Universe. In a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking. And the Mind of the New York Times The International Herald Tribune. The worlds Ugliest Dog Contest. K did did NY LOTTO results results below results: from tests of a Two- dimensional array. Of integers: as SUMS of SQUARES of polynomials) and quadratics PDF."


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